What You  Do Best + What We Do Best =  A Great Partnership

To win in today’s competitive marketplace you have to focus your resources on the key issues that make you the best in the world at what you do. For most companies, being best at what you do does not include hiring internal resources who are best in the world at customer contact technologies and solutions.

That is where we come in. 3D Communications has spent the last 25 years becoming experts at the core practices and technologies used in customer communications.  We have helped thousands companies who are the best in the world at what they do, dramatically improve the cost and the quality of their customer communications.


· Call Center Technology

· Call Center Management

· Hosted vs. Premise technologies

· Multi-Vendor – Least Cost Voice

· Trunking

· Co-Location

· Networking



· Long Distance

· Billing Resolution

· Contract Negotiation

· Implementation

· Cloud Based Solutions